Last night my friend Jess and I went to see Bret Michaels in concert at the Pima County Fair. It was awesome. We were able to move up during the show and get about 4-5 people away from center front row. He put on a great performance. After the show he went to his bus and some of his band memebers/crew came out. Big John was selling t-shirts and cd's. We attempted to get a pic of Big John but he was swooned by the skinny chicks. Lol. When we walked away from the loot table and one of the guitarists was standing there with nobody around so we got pics with him. After that others noticed him and ran up. We then walked around to leave and noticed the drummer and got pics with him. Same thing happened, after we got pics others ran in. In true Jess fashion her famous question to the guitarist and drummer was "Do you play rockband?". I just about died laughing when she said that. The guitarist said he sucks at it and the drummer said he likes to relax in his time off. It was a blast and I couldn't have asked for a more fun concert. (The pic quality sucks cause I forgot my real camera at home and this is a phone cam.)