Today is our 5th anniversary! When I met The Man I was at a point in my life when I had been divorced from a loser, had declared bankruptcy, and just wasnt sure that my happily ever after was meant to happen. I knew what I wanted in a man but had yet to find the one who fit in all my crazy criteria. The Man fit perfectly. He was tall and amazingly gorgeous. He had a decent job, an apartment of his own and paid his bills. He had his own car and knew how to keep his home tidy. He was amazingly sweet with flowers and opening doors. I was in awe of him. I had gotten to the point in my life when I was happy with being alone and raising S by myself. I had originally agreed to go on a date with him because he was HOT and I was game for a free meal. After our first date when he spoke to my face all night and not to my chest I was sold. We went to dinner and then sat in the parking lot talking until almost 2 am when we got asked to leave by the night security for the parking lot. I went home and thought to myself 'wow if he calls me he is the one'. He did call. He called as soon as he got home to check and make sure I had made it home ok.
We ran off to Vegas and eloped on April 18, 2005. There have been ups and downs but mostly ups. I feel absolutely blessed that we found each other. He is a wonderful dad and husband and I cherish each and every day we have together. I love you Hubby xoxoxo
How very sweet! I'm happy for you that you found your soul mate. Happy anniversary.